Dr. Asankhaya Sharma

CTO, Patched.Codes

Dr. Asankhaya Sharma is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Patched.codes, a deep-tech startup with the vision to automatically fix every software vulnerability in code. Dr. Sharma is a well known technology expert, author, and public speaker. He has close to two decades of experience in research and product development, holding leadership roles at startups and large enterprises. Prior to Patched.codes, he was the Global Director of Innovation and Incubation at Veracode, an application security company. Before that, he was the Head of R&D at SourceClear (acquired by CA Technologies in 2018), the first software security company focussed on open-source security and software supply chain. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore, and has been an Adjunct Professor at the Singapore Management University, and the Singapore Institute of Technology.

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About Company

Patched.Codes is a cutting-edge managed service specializing in fixing, not just finding, vulnerabilities in application code. Distinct from the plethora of cybersecurity vendors that overwhelm users with reports of vulnerabilities, Patched delivers fully-vetted patches that resolve security issues permanently. This service is particularly innovative as it operates without requiring developer involvement, aligning with the DevSecOps approach but freeing developers to focus on their core competency of building user-delighting software. Patched's rapid patch deployment ensures a unique balance between development speed and robust cybersecurity. The company is founded and led by a team of software security veterans with over 40 years of experience in crafting solutions for top Fortune 500 companies and defense agencies. Patched's expertise lies in leveraging large language models and generative AI, making them a pioneer in the field of automated vulnerability remediation and secure code generation.

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How many speakers are there?

We are bringing together 28 speakers from around the world. They'll provide you with insights and inspiration that will help them in your entrepreneurship journey.

What will happen at the materclasses?

At the masterclasses, participants can expect immersive and interactive sessions led by industry experts and thought leaders. These workshops will offer hands-on learning experiences, in-depth discussions, and practical insights into various topics related to entrepreneurship, tech, and innovation. Participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, develop new skills, and engage in meaningful discussions to foster their growth and success in the world of startups and technology.

What are the networking opportunities?

Networking opportunities at UNICON 2024 are extensive and valuable. The event brings together a diverse group of participants, including entrepreneurs, industry experts, venture capitalists, and students. Attendees can connect, collaborate, learn, build professional relationships, and expand their global network. UNICON 2022 saw over 600 participants from 12 countries, highlighting the event's potential for meaningful connections and growth within the entrepreneurial and tech community.

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