Robert Kraybill

Chief Investment Officer, Managing Director of Impact Investment Exchange (IIX)

Robert is the Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director of Impact Investment Exchange (IIX), a global organization dedicated to building a more inclusive world by changing financial systems and innovating solutions for women empowerment, climate action, and community resilience. Robert is leading IIX's development of the Women's Livelihood Bond Series, a US$150m series of bonds to fund loans to MFIs and other high-impact enterprises that support women's livelihoods.

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About Company

Impact Investment Exchange (IIX) bridges the gap between finance and development. IIX is a core member of the International Capital Markets Association, a strategic member of IMP Impact Measurement and Management Practice, and a part of the BAPPENAS Advisory Committee on Blue Finance. We are also proud to be affiliated with the World Economic Forum Social Enterprise Alliance, UNICEF Child Bond Working Group, the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN). As a pioneer of impact investing, we build pathways to connect the Wall Streets of the world with the backstreets of underserved communities by measuring and unlocking investment capital. We achieve sustainable development and equitable growth through working with investors, entrepreneurs and ecosystem partners to raise capital, empowering stakeholders with rigorous advice/research for sound actions, and pushing the impact investing space from the margins to the mainstream. Our activities focus on three key pillars that we believe are crucial to creating a better world: promoting gender equality, driving climate action and building vibrant, resilient communities. With our work we aim to impact 100 million lives by 2025. IIX is based in Singapore and operates globally.

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How many speakers are there?

We are bringing together 28 speakers from around the world. They'll provide you with insights and inspiration that will help them in your entrepreneurship journey.

What will happen at the materclasses?

At the masterclasses, participants can expect immersive and interactive sessions led by industry experts and thought leaders. These workshops will offer hands-on learning experiences, in-depth discussions, and practical insights into various topics related to entrepreneurship, tech, and innovation. Participants will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, develop new skills, and engage in meaningful discussions to foster their growth and success in the world of startups and technology.

What are the networking opportunities?

Networking opportunities at UNICON 2024 are extensive and valuable. The event brings together a diverse group of participants, including entrepreneurs, industry experts, venture capitalists, and students. Attendees can connect, collaborate, learn, build professional relationships, and expand their global network. UNICON 2022 saw over 600 participants from 12 countries, highlighting the event's potential for meaningful connections and growth within the entrepreneurial and tech community.

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